Reaction Roles

Make users select which roles they want to have.

  - message: 'Message ID'
    emoji: '👺' # For default emojis.
      - id: 'Role ID 1'
        type: 'ADD'
      - id: 'Role ID 2'
        type: 'REMOVE'
  - message: 'Message ID'
    emoji: 'tester:714804405806956685' # For custom emojis (name:id)
      - id: 'Role ID 3'

Reaction Roles configuration is a list with different objects as you want. Every object corresponds to a message and an emoji:

Message: the ID of the message where the reaction role will be.

Emoji: the emoji that users have to react to. Paste the Unicode emoji if it is a default one or use the format name:id for custom ones.

Roles: list of roles to add or remove on react:

  • ID: the role ID.

  • Type: ADD or REMOVE. Defaults to ADD.

Remember that you have to manually add the reaction to the message.

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