
Leaves module works exactly in the same way as the joins one, but it is activated when someone leaves the server.

  enabled: true
    - id: 'Channel ID 1'
      message: |-
        See you {{member}}, welcome to {{server}}

Enabled: whether this module is enabled or not.

Channels: this is a list of channels and messages. Each item if formed by:

  • ID: The ID of the channel where the message is sent.

  • Message: the actual message. There are some variables that you can use here:

    • {{member}} - Mentions the new user.

    • {{memberTag}} - Replaces it for the user tag, such as TutoPro#4702.

    • {{memberCount}} - Displays the amount of members in your server.

    • {{server}} - Server's name.

  • Embed: whether if an embed should be used or not.

  • Random: list of messages from where TutoPro will choose a random one.

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