
Here you will find all the moderation commands that you can use with TutoPro. If a command has an alias, all of the ways of using it will be shown.

Search for a specific user infractions: (60)

;infractions {user}
;infrs {user}

Change the reason of an infraction: (60)

;reason {infraction ID} {new reason}

Change the duration of an infraction: (60)

;duration {infraction ID} {new duration}

Delete an infraction: (60)

;delete {infraction ID}

Only works on temporary infractions.

Warn someone: (60)

;warn {user} [reason]

Mute someone: (60)

;mute {user} [reason]

Mute Role is required in the Infractions module.

Temporarily mute someone: (60)

;tempmute {user} {duration} [reason]

Mute Role is required in the Infractions module.

Unmute a muted user: (60)

;unmute {user} [reason]

Mute Role is required in the Infractions module.

Kick someone from the server: (60)

;kick {user} [reason]

Ban someone: (60)

;ban {user} [reason]

Temporarily ban someone: (60)

;tempban {user} {duration} [reason]

Unban someone who is banned: (60)

;unban {user} [reason]

Clean messages: (60)

;clean {amount}
;clean {user} {amount}

Ban multiple users: (60)

;mban {users} [-r] [reason]

User IDs must be separated by a space. The -r tag means that the reason starts from there.

Kick someone from a voice channel: (60)

;voicekick {user}

Get the list of server roles: (60)


Change the slowmode time of the curresnt channel: (40)

;slowmode {time in seconds}

Lock a channel: (60)

;lock [roles]

Roles must be separated by spaces. If none, everyone is used.

Unlock a channel: (60)

;unlock [roles]

Roles must be separated by spaces. If none, everyone is used.

Showing the Moderator

Infractions notifications will show the moderator when notifying an user based on the Infractions configuration.

This can be overridden by introducing a keyword between the user/duration and the reason when running the command. The available keywords are:

DM - It will always show who gave the infraction.

Example: ;warn {user} DM [reason]

ADM - It will never show who gave the infraction

Example: ;warn {user} ADM [reason]

Last updated