
Here you will configure the moderation part of the bot. We are going to see an example first and I will show you what everything is for afterward.

  mute_role: 'Mute Role ID'
    - 'WARN'
    - 'MUTE'
    - 'TEMPMUTE'
    - 'UNMUTE'
    - 'KICK'
    - 'BAN'
    - 'TEMPBAN'
    - 'UNBAN'
  show_moderator: false
  delete_command: true
    warn: |-
      You have been warned by {{moderator}} in {{server}} with the reason:
    ban: |-
      You have been baned.

Mute Role: this is the role that is given to users when they are muted by a moderator or by the spam filter.

Notify: all the actions of this list will be notified to a user when they are punished. If you don't want them to receive any notification, just remove the action from here.

Show Moderator: whether to show the moderator who gave the infraction to the notified user or not. You will see that this can be overridden when using a command in the moderation commands section.

Delete Command: whether to delete the message with the command that ran the command (infractions commands only).

Messages: allows you to use custom messages for the DM sent notification to punished users. You can add one for each command.

Last updated