
Variety of commands that you might find usefull.

Check the latency of the bot: (0)


Fetch information of a user: (0)

;user [user]

Create an embed: (100)

;embed {channel} {JSON code text/file}

This is a premium command.

Edit a sent embed: (100)

;embededit {channel} {message ID} {new JSON code text/file}

This is a premium command.

Access secured server roles: (0)

;password {secret code}
;pass {secret code}

Works with the security module, and it is a premium command.

Give or remove a role to all members: (100)

;multirole {add/remove} {required role} {role to give/remove} [bots]


Required Role: user needs to have this role to receive/get removed the role.
Bots is literally the word "bots". If you put it, the role will be also given to bots.

Make a huge emoji: (0)

;jumbo {emoji}

Get the list of commands or specific information about one: (0)

;commands [command]

Get some help: (0)


Get your or someone's avatar: (0)

;avatar [member]

Send a message to a channel: (100)

;say [channel] {content}

Messages sent with this command will be saved.

Add a reaction to a message: (100)

;react {channel} {message ID} {emoji}

Last updated